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The 2022 Government Work Report mentions "double carbon" again, and car company bosses actively make suggestions

Release time:2024-09-11click:0
On March 5, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress opened as scheduled. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council delivered a government work report at this session, in which he mentioned in "Organically Promoting Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutral Work":
"Implement the carbon peaking action plan. Promote the energy revolution, ensure energy supply, based on resource endowment, adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking, and comprehensive planning, promote the clean and efficient use of coal, orderly reduce and replace coal, and promote energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation and flexibility transformation of coal power. , heating transformation. Promote the planning and construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases and supporting regulated power sources, improve the power grid's ability to absorb renewable energy power generation, promote the research and development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, build a green manufacturing and service system, and promote steel. , non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials and other industries to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. Resolutely curb the blind development of high-energy-consuming, high-emission, low-level projects and promote the transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "double control" of total carbon emissions and intensity. Incentive and restraint policies for pollution reduction and carbon reduction will accelerate the formation of a green production and lifestyle. "
Since my country proposed the goal of "carbon peaking in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060" in 2020, "carbon peaking will be achieved." ", carbon neutrality" was written into the government work report for the first time at last year's two sessions. This year's government work report has clearer requirements for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. It mainly promotes the "implementation of the carbon peaking action plan" and focuses on carbon reduction in industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, and building materials.
For the automobile industry, due to its long supply chain and the mutual constraints on the energy side, technology side, and user side, it brings great challenges to the automobile industry in reducing carbon emissions. At present, the state encourages the promotion of energy revolution in the process of implementing carbon peaking, which will undoubtedly further stimulate the development of new energy vehicles.
Promote the parallelization of multiple technical routes for new energy vehicles
At this stage, the main component of my country's new energy vehicles is pure electric Mainly cars, supplemented by hybrid cars. According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, as of the end of 2021, the number of new energy vehicles nationwide reached 7.84 million, of which 6.4 million pure electric vehicles were owned, accounting for 81.63% of the total number of new energy vehicles. Although the popularization of pure electric vehicles is one of the important measures to reduce carbon emissions in the automobile industry, a large proportion of the electricity used in my country currently comes from thermal power, which has caused the focus of carbon emissions from electric vehicles to shift to battery production and electricity supply. .
Based onTherefore, on the one hand, the State Council advocates energy revolution and increasing the proportion of photovoltaic and wind power use; on the other hand, it advocates the implementation of multiple technical routes in the development of new energy vehicles. For example, in the "Carbon Peak Action Plan before 2030" released by the State Council in October last year, it was clearly stated that we should actively expand the application of new and clean energy sources such as electricity, hydrogen energy, natural gas, and advanced bio-liquid fuels in the transportation field. . At this year's "Two Sessions", Li Shufu, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Geely Holding Group, put forward "suggestions on promoting the use of methanol vehicles to help achieve carbon neutrality in the transportation sector." This is also Li Shufu’s fourth proposal on methanol vehicles at the two sessions.
Methanol vehicles are vehicles fueled by methanol. Since methanol is a low-carbon, oxygen-containing fuel, it has the characteristics of efficient combustion, clean emissions, and renewable characteristics. It is liquid at room temperature and pressure. Its storage, transportation, and use are safer and more convenient than other new and clean energy sources. It has become recognized by the industry. new clean and green energy. It is understood that compared with traditional gasoline vehicles, methanol vehicles have improved energy efficiency by about 21% and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by about 26%. Li Shufu pointed out in the proposal that at the production end, the use of modern coal-to-methanol technology coupled with renewable energy to produce green hydrogen and green oxygen technology can achieve zero emissions in the methanol production process, and the use of renewable energy to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen and capture CO2 to produce hydrogen The "electric methanol" produced by the company, as well as the biomass methanol produced from straw and municipal garbage, are both green and renewable methanol. This application of renewable methanol can achieve a carbon balance.
Precisely because methanol can achieve carbon balance at the production end and the emissions of methanol vehicles are relatively clean, Li Shufu proposed to comprehensively promote the use of methanol vehicles in our country and include methanol vehicles into new energy vehicles. Develop the system and management scope, provide the same policy support for methanol vehicles and new energy vehicles, and drive more companies to invest in the research and development of methanol vehicles.
Promote the inclusion of new energy vehicles into "carbon trading" management
At this stage, the industry-recognized approach to carbon reduction in the automobile industry One of the effective measures is to increase the substitution effect of new energy vehicles on traditional fuel vehicles. This measure can effectively improve carbon emissions during vehicle use. Relevant data shows that compared with fuel vehicles, new energy passenger vehicles reduce carbon emissions by approximately 15 million tons during the use phase each year.
However, because automobiles produce very little carbon emissions in the manufacturing process, they have not yet been included in key industries for carbon emission management. It is understood that the state has included power generation, petrochemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals and other industries into key carbon emission management objects, and through the market-oriented means of national carbon trading, enterprises can fulfill their carbon emission obligations.Release obligations. If the effectiveness of new energy vehicles in reducing carbon emissions during the use phase can be considered and included in key carbon emissions management, carbon trading can be used to encourage more OEMs to actively transform and produce new energy vehicles.
Based on this, Yin Tongyue, a member of the National People's Congress, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., proposed the motion of "Accelerating the Incorporation of New Energy Vehicles into Carbon Trading Management" at the current two sessions. The specific suggestions of the bill include the following three aspects:
1. It is recommended that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other ministries and commissions focus on studying the effect of reducing carbon emissions of new energy vehicles during the use phase, and use it as a new method to encourage the transformation of traditional car manufacturers. The starting point for energy vehicle production, thereby further expanding the scale of the new energy vehicle market.
2. It is recommended to expand the scope of the carbon trading industry to include the automotive industry and allow automotive companies to participate in CCER and enter the carbon market for transactions.
3. Encourage cross-industry enterprises to promote the realization of the national "double carbon" goal through carbon market transactions. The automobile industry will benefit from cross-industry carbon trading and obtain the economic benefits of transforming new energy vehicle production.
In addition, Lei Jun, deputy to the National People’s Congress and founder of Xiaomi Motors, also proposed the establishment of a carbon footprint accounting system for new energy vehicles. He pointed out: "A complete, clear and accurate carbon footprint accounting system is the premise and foundation for the low-carbon development of the new energy automobile industry. For the low-carbon development of my country's automobile industry, there is an urgent need to establish and improve the carbon footprint accounting system to support the carbon footprint accounting system." Accurate footprint management, accounting, certification and verification will help achieve the 'double carbon' goal of my country's new energy automobile industry. ”
 The low-carbon development of the automobile industry requires policy support strong>
In addition to improving carbon trading management and carbon footprint accounting systems, carbon reduction in the automotive industry is also inseparable from the guidance of relevant policies. At present, in order to encourage the automobile industry to transform into the new energy field on the production and sales side, the country has implemented a new energy vehicle subsidy policy and a dual-point policy. However, under the pressure of the "dual carbon" goal, the country still needs to come up with more practical policy solutions to fully support the low-carbon development of the automobile industry.
As Chen Hong, a member of the National People’s Congress, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of SAIC Motor, said: “Establishing and improving policies and measures to support the low-carbon development of the automobile industry can be closely related to the current implementation of new energy vehicles. Subsidy policies, points policies, etc. are effectively connected to further reduce costs in manufacturing, circulation, use and other links. ”
Chen Hong suggested that establishing and improving policies and measures to support the low-carbon development of the automobile industry can start by increasing support for the users of new energy vehicles, such as improving the construction of supporting facilities such as charging piles. , provide charging electricity fee discounts, etc., and at the same time strengthen the industrial chain layout and low-carbon technology research and development innovation.
At this year’s Two Sessions, “dual carbon” has become one of the hot topics discussed by representatives from all walks of life. In addition to the car company bosses mentioned above, experts and scholars in other fields have raised Different opinions and suggestions. For example, Li Daokui, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Institute of Chinese Economic Thought and Practice at Tsinghua University, suggested in a proposal related to dual carbon that we promote the establishment of a unified national carbon emissions market and launch a carbon emission reduction system as soon as possible. Carbon emissions tax levied at the source; Nan Cunhui, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Chint Group, also called for accelerating the participation of the power equipment manufacturing industry in carbon emissions trading.
Original title: The 2022 Government Work Report mentioned "dual carbon" again, and car company bosses actively made suggestions

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