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Notice from the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on launching the verification work on domestic water transport and its ancillary industries, international shipping industry and water transport industry between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao in 2023

Release time:2024-08-27click:1
The transportation departments (bureaus and commissions) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Yangtze River Navigation Administration and the Pearl River Navigation Administration:
In order to strengthen the domestic, international and waterway transport market order between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao and service quality supervision, to fully understand the development of the industry, in accordance with the "Domestic Water Transport Management Regulations", "International Maritime Transport Regulations" and other regulations, and with the consent of the Ministry of Transport, from the date of issuance of this notice to May 31, 2023, intensive implementation Inspection work on domestic water transport and its ancillary industries, international shipping industry and water transport industry between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao in 2023. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
 1. Verification work arrangements
   (1) Domestic waterway transportation and its auxiliary services industry verification work.
1. Verification basis. "Domestic Water Transport Management Regulations", "Domestic Water Transport Management Provisions" (Ministry of Transport Order No. 4, 2020), "Domestic Water Transport Auxiliary Industry Management Regulations" (Ministry of Transport Order No. 3, 2014), "Lao "Regulations on the Management of Old Transport Vessels" (Ministry of Transport Order No. 13, 2021), "Notice of the Ministry of Transport on Matters Concerning the Implementation of Domestic Water Transport and Auxiliary Industry Management Regulations" (Jiaoshuifa [2014] No. 141), "Ministry of Transport Notice No. The Ministry of Transport's Notice on Implementing the "Domestic Water Transport Management Regulations" (Jiao Shui Regulations [2020] No. 6) and other relevant regulations and documents. The capacity standards of self-owned ships of domestic general cargo ships and enterprises that are only engaged in the transportation of crude oil, sewage, oil and water from offshore oil trial production platforms will continue to be implemented in accordance with previous regulations.
2. Verification objects. Water transport and its auxiliary business operators who have obtained business qualifications or registered as of December 31, 2022 (including water transport, ship management, ship agency, water passenger transport agency, water cargo transport agency business operators), The operating qualification of water transport operators to operate ships.
 3. Check the content.
 (1) The maintenance of business qualifications of water transport and ship management business operators, as well as the maintenance of operating qualifications of operating ships;
 (2 ) Registration status of shipping agencies, waterway passenger transport agencies, waterway cargo transport agency business operators;
 (3) Foreign investment in domestic water transport enterprises (including foreign direct investment, overseas listing and issuance of foreign capital shares, the introduction of foreign strategic investors, and the parent company’s introduction of foreign shares through the aforementioned three methods.(4) The operator and the production and operation status of the ships it operates and manages since the last inspection, as well as whether there are illegal operations, focusing on the issue of operations beyond the scope of business ;
  (5) Operators’ opinions and suggestions on industry management.
4. Check the work process.
(1) Water transport and auxiliary industry operators fill in the "2023 Annual Verification Report for Domestic Water Transport (Auxiliary Industry) Operators" (Attachment 1, please see Attachment 2 for filling instructions, below (referred to as "Verification Report"), after being signed by the legal representative and stamped with the official seal, submit it to the local municipal water transport management department (in duplicate, individual industrial and commercial households are not required to stamp the official seal). Water transportation and ship management business operators should also submit other relevant materials (original or copy) based on the above verification content.
  (2) District-level municipal water transport management departments organize door-to-door inspections of operators within their jurisdiction. Provincial water transport management departments should strengthen the supervision of annual inspections within their jurisdictions, focusing on spot inspections of enterprises engaged in passenger transportation and ship transportation of bulk liquid dangerous goods. In principle, all key supervision objects should be covered.
(3) For waterway transportation (ship management business) operators who are difficult to contact, municipal waterway transportation management departments should actively share information with maritime management agencies and market supervision departments. Obtain contact and include it in the verification; for water transport (ship management business) operators that cannot be contacted, a time-limited rectification notice must be issued to them immediately in accordance with regulations (a time-limited rectification notice can be delivered by announcement; a time-limited rectification notice has been issued) If the document is still in the rectification period or the rectification period has not yet been reviewed and processed, it shall not be issued again, the same below). If a missing operator is issued a rectification notice within a time limit and carries out follow-up processing in accordance with regulations, it will be included in the number of verifications.
  (4) The municipal waterway transportation management department shall issue verification results to the waterway transportation (ship management business) operators who have accepted verification. For those who meet the business qualification conditions, sign "Qualified" in the "Verification Result" column of the "Verification Report" and stamp it with the official seal.
For waterway transportation (ship management business) operators who do not meet the operating qualification conditions or whose operating ships do not meet the operating qualification conditions, as well as waterway transportation operators whose operating ships have not participated in the annual verification , sign the words "rectification within a time limit" in the "Verification Report" column of the "Verification Report", stamp the official seal, and be truthful in Schedule 4 of the "Verification Report"Record the existing problems and order the operator in writing to make rectifications within a time limit in accordance with regulations (if conditions such as maritime maintenance management personnel and the proportion of senior crew members who have signed labor contracts with the enterprise for more than one year cannot meet the requirements, the rectification period shall not exceed 3 months).
The municipal water transport management department shall sign the "Verification Results" column of the "Verification Report" of the ship agency, waterway passenger transport agency, and waterway cargo transport agency business operator that is subject to verification. Verified".
(5) In the verification work, the water transport management department should work with the maritime administration agency and other relevant departments to increase the number of ships owned by water transport operators within the jurisdiction that operate without licenses, operate beyond the scope, and " Intensify efforts to crack down on illegal activities such as "affiliated" operations and inland river vessels illegally engaged in maritime transportation. If operators are found to be suspected of illegal activities, they should be strictly investigated and dealt with in accordance with their responsibilities and laws and regulations.
 (6) The waterway transportation management department responsible for verification should strengthen the application of information technology, strengthen the information docking with the ministry and provincial data sharing information system, and improve the quality of domestic waterway transportation information sharing. After the verification work is completed, in principle, all provincial transportation authorities should submit the verified "Domestic Water Transport Operation License", "Ship Business Transportation Certificate" and "Domestic Ship Management Business Operation License" information to the ministry before the end of June. Water transportation construction comprehensive management information system is shared.
 (7) After the verification work is completed, a "Verification Report" will be returned to the operator, and a "Verification Report" will be archived by the water transport management department responsible for verification. The water transport management department responsible for verification must effectively implement the rectification work of problems found during the verification, implement list management and establishment of ledgers for operators and ships with problems with their business qualifications and qualifications, and urge them to actively perform rectification work during the rectification period. And after the rectification is due, a review will be carried out carefully and the accounts will be canceled one by one.
(8) The provincial waterway transportation management department should organize the municipal waterway transportation management department to carefully summarize the information of operators and their operating ships within their jurisdiction based on the materials and verification results submitted by the operators. Relevant information, and prepare the "Summary Table of Operators in the Jurisdiction" (Annex 3), "Summary Table of Operating Vessels in the Jurisdiction" (Annex 4), "Summary Table of Verification Status in 2023" (Annex 5) and " Compile the Summary Table of Domestic Water Transport Enterprises Invested by Foreign and Foreign Investors in the Jurisdiction (Annex 6), and form a summary table of the above tables in this province (region, city).
(2) Inspection of the shipping industry between the international, mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.
1. Verification basis. "country"International Maritime Transport Regulations", "International Maritime Transport Regulations Implementing Rules" (Ministry of Transport Order No. 21, 2019), "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on the Approval and Filing of International Shipping and Maritime Transport Businesses between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao" (Assigned Shuihan [2019] No. 681) and other relevant regulations and documents.
2. Verification objects. International shipping operators and waterway transport operators between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao that have obtained business qualifications or have been registered as of December 31, 2022 (provincial transportation authorities can query the provincial international shipping operators in the "Waterway Transport Construction Comprehensive Management Information System" Ship transportation operators, waterway transportation operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, and information on the ships they operate).
3. Check the content.
 (1) Whether international shipping operators and waterway transportation operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao meet the corresponding business requirements;
 (2) The shipping capacity of operators’ owned and controlled ships (including owned and controlled five-star red flag ships and flag of convenience ships);
(3) The operating status of operators and their operating ships in 2022 and records of violations;
(4) Whether international shipping companies have established a comprehensive management information system through water transport in accordance with the requirements of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China (International and Hong Kong and Macao shipping business - - International Statistical Business Reporting - Maritime International Transport Industry Statistical Survey System) fill in relevant statistical information;
 (5) Understand and collect operators’ opinions and suggestions.
4. Check the work process.
 (1) International shipping operators and waterway transport operators between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao (the central shipping enterprise shall notify each subsidiary to participate in the verification work at the place of registration of the subsidiary as required) shall Within the specified time, submit the "Annual Verification Report for International Vessel Transport Operators/Water Transport Operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao" (hereinafter referred to as "Verification") signed by the legal representative and stamped with the official seal to the districted municipal water transport management department. Report" in duplicate, Annex 7), "International Shipping Operators/Water Transport Operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao Ship Operations Table" (Owned, controlled and bare-chartered flag-of-convenience ships should be included in the ship statistics, and are not included in the statistics Time Charter Vessel, Annex 8) and corresponding electronic materials. International shipping operators and waterway transport operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao should also submit corresponding business qualification certification materials or filing record materials, bills of lading andConfiguration of owned ships (international general cargo ships and container ship transport operators should have at least one own ship; international passenger ships, bulk liquid dangerous goods ship transport operators, and waterway transport operators between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao should have at least one Chinese ship) of supporting materials. Operators transporting passenger ships and bulk liquid dangerous goods ships internationally, as well as between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, should also submit a certificate of compliance with the company's safety and anti-pollution capabilities (for entrusted management, provide a certificate of compliance with the safety and anti-pollution capabilities of the ship management company and the entrusted management contract) , Qualification materials for senior business managers suitable for operating international maritime transportation business and waterway transportation business between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao (provide a labor contract signed with the company, a maritime maintenance management personnel certificate issued by the company for more than three years of international maritime transportation or maritime transportation) Proof of maintenance work experience or qualifications). The above materials can be copies stamped with the company's official seal.
 (2) District-level municipal water transport management departments shall organize on-site inspections of operators within their jurisdictions and issue verification opinions to ensure that international shipping operators and mainland operators within their jurisdictions Full coverage of verification with water transport operators between Hong Kong and Macao. By conducting discussions, inspecting work logs, and checking self-owned ship information, the company focused on inspecting the deployment of maritime maintenance management personnel, performance of duties, and the deployment of its own shipping capacity. For those who meet the qualifications for employment, sign "Qualified" in the "Verification Result" column of the "Verification Report" and stamp it with the official seal. For those who do not meet the conditions for employment, the "Verification Report" will be signed "Reform within a time limit" in the "Verification Result" column, stamped with the official seal, and the operator will be ordered in writing to make rectification within a time limit (the maximum rectification period shall not exceed 3 months). A copy of the "Verification Report" shall be kept in the company's archives. Any violations of laws and regulations discovered during the verification work shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations.
(3) The districted municipal water transport management department should fill in the "(province/districted city) international ship transport operator/water transport between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao" based on the verification situation Operator Verification Status Form" (Appendix 9), "(Province/districted city) International Ship Transport Operator/Water Transport Operator between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao Operator Vessels Summary Analysis Form" (Appendix 10), and submit it together with the operator The materials and a verification report are summarized and submitted to the provincial water transport management department.
(4) Provincial water transport management departments should conduct on-site spot checks on the verification status of their provinces. In principle, the spot check rate should not be less than 20%.
(5) All relevant provincial water transport management departments should summarize the verification work of their provinces and conductProvincial "International Shipping Operators/Water Transport Operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao Verification Summary Table" and "International Shipping Operators/Water Transport Operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao Vessel Operation Summary Analysis Table" are summarized and analyzed.
 (6) For international, passenger ships and bulk liquid dangerous goods ship transport operators between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao that do not meet the qualification requirements stipulated in relevant laws and regulations and are ordered to make corrections within a time limit, Provincial and municipal water transport authorities should track the implementation of rectifications.
2. Relevant work requirements
(1) Water transport management departments at all levels must attach great importance to annual verification work, We must conscientiously perform our duties, strengthen publicity through multiple channels, strictly abide by various disciplines at work, and properly preserve the business and personal information of operators learned during verification.
(2) The provincial water transport management department should submit a summary (in duplicate) of the verification work of the province (district, city) before June 15, 2023, which should include the progress of the annual verification work , the provincial water transport management department’s random inspections, work results, rectification of problems found, etc. If the change rate of the relevant summary data exceeds 5% compared with the previous year, the reasons should be explained) and related tables (Appendix 3-6, Appendices 7-10 ) should be reported to the Ministry, and each form should be reported through the "Annual Verification" column of the Water Transport Construction Integrated Management Information System, and the Ministry and Province shared data of the Water Transport Construction Integrated Management Information System should be further improved through verification. Provinces that do not meet the requirements of this notice for verification are also requested to provide written feedback.
Relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in the Yangtze River, Pearl River water systems and Qiongzhou Strait should also conduct annual verification of relevant domestic waterway transport and auxiliary business operators in the Yangtze River, Pearl River water systems and Qiongzhou Strait respectively. Report to Yangtze River Navigation Administration and Pearl River Navigation Administration. The four provinces (autonomous regions) of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Fujian report the annual verification status of waterway transport operators between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao to the Pearl River Navigation Administration.
(3) Provincial water transport management departments should submit the "Verification Reports" ( The electronic version (including attachments, which should be the version stamped by the management department) should be sent to the email address sysgnc@mot.gov.cn.
The attachments involved in this notice will not be printed with the text, and the electronic files can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Transport. Domestic water transport and its auxiliary industry verification contact number: 010-65292744, fax: 010-65292675; international ship transport, The contact number for verification of the waterway transportation industry between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao: 010-65292655, fax: 010-65292648; the contact number for the waterway transportation construction comprehensive management information system support unit: 010-65299436.
General Office of the Ministry of Transport
2023 2 July 17
 (This article is released to the public)

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